Friday, April 10, 2009

Isadora's Latest Avocado

Back in the '70s, a massive add campaign from the California Avocado Growers Association created a serial cartoon that appeared in most major women's magazines promoting the in home propagation of California avocados. The main character was Isadora, the quintessential "single girl on her own". Isadora showed us, step by step, how to stick the tooth picks in, which was top from bottom, and the level of water to maintain. She talked openly to her plants and her avocado grew happily on the window sill of her modest, single girl apartment.
I followed her instructions and thirty five years later, my mother has a twenty foot high tree that produces generous amounts of huge, tasty, Florida avocados.
Without Isadora's help, I have failed many times in getting my avocado pits to sprout roots. I thought I was missing a step and would give up after two weeks. That was my problem, it took a month of patience to see the roots.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tomato Sex

Today I concerned myself with the fact that I have had several tomato blossoms, yet no little green balls are beginning to form anywhere. I had the idea, that in order to attract an admiring bee, I might need to roll the coat rack with the plant hanging on it out my front door for a few hours a day. I was relieved to find out that effort would not be necessary. Tomatoes are quite capable of pollinating themselves. Check out the web page I learned this from: