Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summertime re-engagement

The tomato plants led an unfruitful existence. Only one plant of the sixteen produced one tomato. That was from Audrey II. I blame the seeds. All that remains of the tomato plants is in the compost bin at this time. When I try tomatoes again, I will choose a smaller variety. The green onions proved to be a useful planting. When I cut them, more grows back. They are nice in recipes, soups and salads. My parsley plant was generous for more than a year, providing an ample supply to my table, but now the parent stem is aged and is producing very stout leaves. I have cut it back and am hoping for a re-generation from it. My Queen Basil is hearty in it's third generation, but I must confess I use store bought basil still and mostly enjoy it as an ornamental. I have red and yellow bell pepper plants growing from seeds I dried from market peppers (three to a pot) but forgot to label for color. One is doing better than the other and has small pepper-buds on it.