Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Decaying Vegitation & Meditation

I actually enjoyed cleaning the refrigerator while preparing a meal this evening. The knife and cutting board were already out and it wasn't necessary to clean them before chopping up the celery whose shelf life had reached the re-incarnation stage. It was a peaceful event; to be gleaning then preparing more fodder for my bin.
Only last month I had considered how much food I waste because I buy fruits and vegetables for a healthy diet and then neglect to eat them soon enough. I actually considered that I owed it to my guilty conscience to buy only canned or frozen going forward. Since then, I have discovered that the expensive, organically grown vegetables (Which are grown in near-by Sarasota) have a much longer shelf life and taste absolutely delicious.
What's really great is my Publix offers a seasonal line of these all grown by "Noah's Organic Garden" in Sarasota.

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